Generate pwa online

How to Generate PWA Online

Did you know that you can quickly turn your website into an application? Well, it is so easy thanks to the emerging PWA technology. In a matter of minutes, you can generate PWA online and get yourself an app.

It sounds easy, and yes it’s easy. You only need to know a few things that will help you create PWA online.

What you need to know:

Basically, you only need to know two important things i.e.

Accepted platforms

Most traditional applications are built specifically for Android or iOS. However, things are seemingly better and easier when generating PWA online because you don’t need to be platform-specific. This means that you wouldn’t have to develop different codebases.

PWA is literally …an application

Well, PWA doesn’t function like the traditional apps but turns your app-like website into an effective medium for the delivery of content faster.

Steps to Follow

Now that you know the basics about generating PWA online, you can confidently follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to your https website

The HTTPS protocol is your only path to converting your website into progressive web apps. You need to ensure that you have an HTTPs connection to conduct all data exchanges. You can get an SSL certificate to switch from HTTP to HTTPs.

Step 2: Create a web app manifest

The next step is to create a web app manifest. The manifest contains information that directs your browsers on how to display your app when saved on the home-screen icon.

You should enter all the information required. You may need to take some time here learning some of the expectations before you go to the next step.

Step 3: Set up your service worker

This is a JavaScript file connecting the browser and the host. At this step, you need a bit of JavaScript knowledge to set it correctly so that your PWA can function offline ,you can read more about pwa offline.

These are the three simple steps that you will take when you generate PWA online. Remember, you can always follow the prompts to create PWA if you don’t have the IT skills. Alternatively, you can hire somebody experienced in this to create PWA online for your website.

After you have entered all the information and the file has been validated, an “add to home screen” link will be created.