Implementation guide

How to test it?

After the you finish to copy the code to your site , Go to your website click on Agree “button” to receive notifications, then go to your Wappaa account Click on my apps -> Select your app -> Manage app -> Send notifications-> Fill in all the details then click the “Send” button and you will receive notifications To your computer or mobile phone where you have agreed to accept the notifications.

How to Implement App & push notifications with wix (required domain first)

(Before you begin, make sure that your site is published and has a connected domain.)
Go to Settings in your site’s dashboard -> Click the Custom Code tab under Advanced Settings -> Click + Add Custom Code at the top right -> Paste the code snippet in the text box -> Choose where to place your code: place at Head Click Apply. Implement with wix

How to Implement only push notifications with wix for free(1 minute)

How to Implement with shopify

Click on “COPY THE TEXT CODE” from previous step then go to dashboard on Shopify in the left menu click “online store” → themes → select edit code from actions → select theme.liquid and paste the code between head tag)

How to Implement push notifications with google sites

Click ‘Copy text code’ from the previous step and then go to your Google Sites account. Click on “Embed” and when a pop-up window appears click on “Embed Code”, paste the code in the text box, click on the “Next” button Then click the “Insert” button. Move the frame to the top of the screen and make it wider At the end click on the Publish button.

How the App & push notifications looks like

Implement with ezblox

If you use “ezblox” login and click “my account” select your website and click on hamburger icon and in the menu select “head code” paste the code and save -> publish

Implement with other like html ,php , Nodejs

Copy the code from the previous step or go to your dashboard then click the “Manage App” button and then follow the “How to Install” guide, then copy the Code to the main html file “Index file” on your site. If you have any problem, our support will be happy to help you.

<meta ... 
<meta ... 
<link .. 

   Paste Your Code Here
